December 07, 2020

Bikram The Guru Was Equally Unrelenting

”Most of the accusations of sexual assault and rape pertain to the teachers training programme where "week 5 was called the sex week”.”In 2006, Choudhury had more than 600 yoga studios worldwide, and about 40 Bentleys and Rolls-Royces were parked in his Beverly Hills mansion. The poseur, whose students now included several celebrities — from Shirley MacLaine and Barbra Streisand to Frank Sinatra and Quincey Jones — also claimed that he has taught yoga to half-a-billion people. These women have not spoke out publicly yet, and most hadn’t seen the film. After they were sexually assaulted, one of them left after saying "good night sir”, while the other kissed Choudhury on the forehead while saying bye. 

They took the humiliation and the torturous routine in pursuit of praise by the guru.Bikram: Yogi, Guru, Predator is a testament, a piece of evidence of who Bikram is and what he did. The quick math: nearly 4.In the 90-minute classes, which he conducted wearing a Speedo and a Rolex, the cult of Bikram and his yoga was shaped and sharpened.According to a report, in 2010, "when Choudhury was at the height of his power, he charged 10,900 per student, and 380 forked over the sum to join him in San Diego, including Friedman.15 million gross for that single teacher training.
Choudhury could approve or disapprove a teaching license or studio application.Then came the hook. Thereafter he moved to Los Angeles where he opened a yoga studio in Beverly Hills.Her film begins by listening to Choudhury making tall claims, including that he arrived in America in 1973 to cure Richard Nixon of phlebitis and was gifted a green card by the then US President.Choudhury claims that he, with the help of his guru in Calcutta, Bishnu Charan Ghosh, rebuilt his spirit, and leg which had broken into hundred-thousand pieces”, and could soon sit for hours in lotus pose. Choudhury&China Resistance band manufacturers39;s angry, haughty denial to the accusations and the alibis are all too familiar: "I don’t need to women force myself on women, women throw themselves at me… Any man with money and power is a convenient target… The women could have walked away.
He knew the human body, and could help his students harness its power.As clips of his deposition in response to the lawsuits play on the screen, a narrative arc begins to form, one that’s eerily common to all cases of sexual abuse and rape. And his students, certain that their dream and livelihood dependent on him, were so conditioned and scared that two of the women who filed cases against him also spoke of how shocked they still are at their own behaviour.Therein lies the power of Orner’s 86-minute Bikram: Yogi, Guru, Predator, which is, at one level, a sharp, objective examination of the cult, clout and ugly narcissism of Bikram Choudhury, and at another an investigation into the accusations against him.Choudhury would inspire and goad his students with jokes, by singing songs, shout at them, scold, heckle, even abuse, all the while repeating claims of being "one of the last living yogis” in the world whose shot at Olympic gold in weightlifting was thwarted by an accident.Though Choudhury would, at times during the class, press himself inappropriately against some of the women students, whisper innuendoes to them, it was mostly at night, when he had retired to his Presidential Suite in the hotel, that he would summon a girl to massage him.In 1990s, Choudhury started a teacher-training program with the idea to build a yoga empire by creating yoga teachers who would conduct classes and run yoga studios across America. 
His wife, Rajashree, filed for divorce.In 2016-2017, six separate lawsuits were filed in California, accusing Choudhury, now 75 years old, of racial discrimination, gay slurs, sexual harassment and rape. A Bollywood film would be playing loudly, and he would either guide her hand or force himself upon them.8 million.As his students sweated and panted, trying to stabilise their breathing and pushing their bodies to achieve the perfect asana, they were told not to take a break to pee or rest, not to question, to trust the process, to obey and follow the rules, and only then nirvana will be theirs.”But as the film dials back to verify his tall claims, and we listen to Choudhury and his colleagues, the posturing yogi unravels. 
While he settled a number of them, in the sexual harassment case filed by Minakshi Jafa-Bodden, Choudhury’s former attorney, the judge ordered him to pay her 6. The nine-week residential course would cost about 10,000 per head, be conducted in a hotel, after which he would pick 25 teachers to run Bikram Hot Yoga studios.The film uses archival footage of Choudhury conducting his hot yoga classes where the temperature remained constant, at 40 degree centigrade, and Bikram the guru was equally unrelenting.The conditioning was complete and the cult of Bikram Yogi had been created.Orner, who co-produced Taxi To The Dark Side, the 2008 Oscar-winning documentary on US’ policy of torture and interrogation, calls Bikram: Yogi, Guru, Predator, a "pre-MeToo story showing in a post-MeToo world”. They have thanked her for making the film and told her that they too were sexually abused by Bikram Choudhury.
Since Eva Orner’s documentary film, Bikram: Yogi, Guru, Predator, had its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival (Tiff) on September 9, about six women have written directly, privately to her to share their stories. It’s also an inquiry into who you will believe.It was around this time that Madonna spoke of Bikram’s Hot Yoga on Oprah Winfrey’s show, and Choudhury’s business "went nuts.. They had just read about it. Choudhury then allegedly packed up his Beverly Hills headquarters and fled the US. Here, as students were pushed to their limit to master 26 # postures and two breathing techniques, they were first broken down, and then rebuilt. What remains is a man, a criminal who, when questioned about the three things he dislikes during a deposition, corrects and says it’s actually four things: "Cold food, cold weather, cold heart”, and adds, "cold p***y”

Posted by: Efrigkettleber at 01:40 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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November 25, 2020

Standing Committee on External Affairs

"The event was jointly hosted by the Consulate General and Jaipur Foot USA Chairperson and founding director of VaYU Prem Bhandari.Addressing the virtual launch, Muraleedharan said Swami Vivekananda gave the message of universal brotherhood from the US and through the first of its kind yoga university outside India, the message of yoga will be broadcast from America to the world. 

The applications for fall 2020 semester are open with the first day of classes starting on August 24 in a virtual mode..He underscored that VaYU will involve top line research on yoga and further popularise it in America, where currently about 40 million people practice yoga regularly.Founded on the principles of Swami Vivekananda &China ICE MAKER wholesale prescription for universal welfare, VaYU will offer online graduate programmes based on scientific principles and modern research approaches to yoga.
New York: As part of the 6th International Yoga Day commemorations, the world's first yoga university outside India has been launched in Los Angeles, offering programmes that combine scientific principles and modern research approaches to the ancient Indian practice of yoga."“As the symbol of India's culture and heritage, yoga has become the means for unity # and brotherhood in the world. Through the medium of yoga, we can give the message of world peace,”" he said, adding that "yoga provides mental balance and emotional stability.”
Yoga guru Baba Ramdev said that the launch of the yoga university is a “matter of pride” and expressed confidence that VaYU will enhance India's pride for years to come in the field of yoga research.Bhandari said that Swami Vivekananda, “a monk from India introduced Hinduism to the western world through his historic speech in Chicago in 1893.In his message, Nagendra, well known as the yoga consultant to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, said Swami Vivekananda “heralded the grandeur” of Indian yoga dimension to the world through his famous speech in Chicago in 1893.Chaudhary said yoga makes the human immune system very strong and is a bridge between the mind and body, which is very important in today's times. H R Nagendra is bringing to the western world the age old yoga science - Guru-Shishya Parampara by establishing this university.
 H R Nagendra, Chancellor of Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana (SVYASA) is the first Chairman of VaYU.“"It helped in making the US the adopted home of yoga,"” Chakravorty said, applauding the efforts of Nagendra and Bhandari for the initiative. Now, 127 years later, another monk from India Dr.He highlighted that Modi was instrumental in getting the UN to declare June 21 as International Day of Yoga, saying this further popularised yoga across the world.”He noted that in the years to come, VaYU “would produce best modern day yoga practitioners who would not only spread peace but make planet Earth a better place to live.In congratulatory messages, Indian spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar said in these trying times, the practice of yoga has kept life going and for the very first time, a university espousing yogic science is being launched in the US.The university will offer online master's program in Yoga. 
Best of the East is yoga and its applications and best of West is modern scientific research.VaYU faculty has been recruited from SVYASA, the first Yoga university in India.""We want to bring this integrated dimension of healthcare to world at large - allopathy and the AYUSH systems,” he said referring to the practice of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy.“Inspired by his teachings and the solutions he has given to meet challenges of the modern era, we took up this entire process of bringing yoga into the academic dimension,” he said.
The Vivekananda Yoga University (VaYU) was jointly launched on Tuesday by Minister of State for External Affairs V Muraleedharan and Chairperson of the Standing Committee on External Affairs P P Chaudhary during a virtual event held at the Consulate General of India in New York.Former Director General of Border Security Force K K Sharma said that yoga is the best system of exercise and recalled how he had introduced it in place of PT exercise and noticed a “perceptible improvement” in the overall physical and mental health of the force.He said the university will help thousands of yoga teachers in the US whose yoga education was limited to 200 or 500 hours of certificate programmes to progress further into university-based higher education.He noted that the university “combines best of the East and best of the West.
“Through the scientific appraisal of yoga, I'm sure millions more will get benefit of it,” he said terming the launch of the world's first yoga university outside India as a “milestone in the world of yoga.Eminent Indian yoga guru Dr.The launch comes within three months of receiving official recognition from the Bureau for Private Post-secondary Education, California to offer yoga-based higher education programmes in November 2019.”The university is a “prime example” of people to people connections between India and the US, he said.
It will facilitate collaborative research, credit transfers and joint programmes with multiple premier universities across the world.India's Consul General in New York Sandeep Chakravorty said that New York has deep ties with yoga as many years ago Swami Vivekananda spent time in the city and wrote books on yoga which popularised the Indian practice all over the world

Posted by: Efrigkettleber at 06:56 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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November 13, 2020

In the final analysis, all of us are seeking

The jiva has to be one with Brahman.Is limitation my essential nature? Please note that one’s essential nature is never a burden.Yoga is to join the jiva with Brahman. If you don’t have any desire for comforts or pleasure, why would you work? Even for simple sustenance of life, you have to work. There have to be two entities to "join”. Both actions and their results have limitations.

In the final analysis, all of us are seeking total freedom from all limitations. We use words like "merging”, but actually it is a discovery — I have been "that” all along! This is the meaning of "yoga” at the highest level. And "join” also implies that the two are separate and not connected yet.Yoga is a merger of the jiva with Brahman. You can call that liberation or moksha. In Vedanta, this state — let us call it a state — is known as Brahman. The mind, its abilities and intellect are also limited. Jiva is struggling to "become”. How do we do that? Are they like two hands or two objects? No.

The physical body is limited in time and space.Yoga is from the root yuj, which means "to join” or "to connect”.Vedanta talks about the joining of the individual being with the supreme. You are "that” already — tat tvam-asi. What we seek is a release from all sense of limitations. We MINI BAR refrigerators are also limited by various factors. The two distinctive qualities of any jiva are "doership” and "enjoyership”. Jiva cannot "join” Brahman in such a way that the two entities remain distinct. Each one of us is a limited finite being. A limited entity cannot become infinite through a process.

This discovery and abidance in "that” is called "yoga”. Since we can never be happy with so many limitations, we engage in activities to break them. It is the very goal of our human existence. Brahman, being infinite, does not have a limited form or specific qualities. Vedanta says that you cannot "become” Brahman, but you are already that! The very fact that you are struggling to become means it has to be your own nature. The individual feels that he is the performer of actions..The individual is called a jiva in Vedanta. So the jiva is a doer and enjoyer. So yoga is the discovery of our own true self as that infinite, everlasting bliss. Sorrow and agitation cannot be my nature, because I want to get rid of them and want to be free and infinite. Since all actions are done in order to get a result and enjoy it, the individual is also the experiencer and enjoyer of the results

Posted by: Efrigkettleber at 03:22 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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October 15, 2020

I have experienced days where I have been

Moreover, with the current situation, sedentary lifestyles, tension and fatigue lead to decreased levels of blood circulation. "There’ll be no virus in the world that can shake you when you are established in your core essence, and the yoga way of life will help you become one with your core essence,” she adds. The yogini and Life Coach, Vasundhara believes yoga lowers negativity and boosts positivity. "Our blood stream is filled with hormones, the chemical messengers that bring about different changes in the body and maintain the balance in our system,” says Bharat.Especially in times of uncertainties and turbulences such as these across the world, yoga enthusiasts and gurus advise that it YOGA MAT is best to roll out one’s yoga mat and discover the combination of physical and mental postures so each of us can value-check and tweak our current situations. To achieve positivity through yoga, one needs to do pranayama like anulom vilom, bhramari, bhastrika and om chanting,” Payal adds.Zoa also talks about how yoga helped her cope when she was tested coronavirus positive.

I have experienced days where I have been in a negative frame of mind and my practice and prayers almost instantaneously changes my perceptions. She had recently shared a video message, in which she said, "Covid-19 is not something to be feared, and yoga, pranayama and a strong mental state are the key to defeating the pandemic."But when there is an imbalance in the hormones, a lot of things in the body can go wrong. Aasana, dhyana and praanayama could go a long way in mitigating isolation anxiety.. It is not only yoga it was an entire lifestyle change probably the first time I led a disciplined life after my initial years in school,” explains the actress."Slouching and bad postures also reduce our lung capacity and hamper our breathing."The best way to describe yoga is that if you are absolutely comfortable in being who you are, you accept yourself the way you are and the way you are not you don’t want to be anyone else only then, you are practicing yoga,” elaborates Vasundhara. According to the United Nations, the theme highlights yoga is a powerful tool in dealing with stress of uncertainty and isolation, and helps maintain physical well-being.

It’s all connected.Thus, it comes as no surprise that the theme for International Yoga Day 2020 is ‘Yoga for Health Yoga at Home’. "It helped me mentally and physically.”Celebrity yoga trainer Bharat Thakur reiterates on yoga’s abilities to boost immunity and help in easing depression.Breathe in lifeActress Zoa Morani believes yoga helped her fight Covid-19. In its latest health guideline, the Harvard Medical School stated that yoga, meditation and controlled breathing are "some tried and true ways to relax”. It can, however, be set right with the right food and yoga, which are the best means to bring your hormones back in control. "I had fever for an entire month and my immunity took a hit, but I sailed through it because of all these new habits I had learnt,” she points out.Separately, Deepak Chopra, the founder of The Chopra Foundation and Chopra Global, had talked about the connection of COVID-19 to yoga in one of his articles for a leading global media website.” Payal Gidwani Tiwari, one of the most famous fitness and yoga experts of Bollywood, staunchly advocates the power of breathing correctly.While 21 June marks the sixth edition of the International Yoga Day, this year, the COVID-19 pandemic protocols will compel everyone to observe the day within the four walls of their homes. When you are in love with who you are and however you are, you are genuinely happy inside out.”Ashwini G., daughter of Karnataka BJP MP, is yet another who believes yoga helped her recover from the Covid-19. An ardent yoga practitioner for seven years, Zoa says, "Fortunately, I was already practicing ashtanga yoga for the last seven years. When you live a life in harmony with your true nature, you build tremendous strength and immunity. Positivity reflects on your health, wealth, relationships. It reflects in your speech, thoughts and actions.”

Another yoga enthusiast who swears by the goodness of yoga is Vasundhara Talware, who has been an ardent yogini since she was thirteen years old. Yet, most of us do not know how to breathe correctly, so how can one think positively and have good mental health?” she asks.He said, "The virus makes the need for a positive psychological response more urgent, and the good news is that meditation and yoga are good for anti-stress, which is connected to a strong immune response.The holistic answer to fitnessIn the wake of people grappling with mental health issues amid lockdown, experts have repeatedly recommended exercising daily during the lockdown for its benefits in helping release stress, even as it keeps one physically and mentally fit. Also, no matter what the situation was, it helps remain calm and maintain a positive outlook."Yoga with your own self, yoga with who you truly are at the core and yoga with your higher self. Breathing is spontaneous and occurs naturally to everyone.”Vasundhara also believes in that life-affirming essence of yoga."Positivity in yoga comes from breathing correctly.S. Yoga with you

Posted by: Efrigkettleber at 01:04 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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October 10, 2020

Tree PoseTree PoseStand tall

Rest the hands on the top rim of your pelvis. 180 degrees. Then the arms need to be raised parallel to the floor and turn your head to the left. Reach out through the fingertips, trying to touch the side walls. Try to keep your shoulders even and squared with the front of your mat.Warrior PoseBegin with the mountain pose i.Five Pointed StarFive Pointed StarFrom standing position, step the feet wide apart, with the arms out to the side such that feet should be under the wrists, facing forward and parallel. With an inhale, begin to extend your bent knees and straighten your legs. Look softly at a permanent point in front of you or above. Press the weight into the feet, pull up the knee caps and squeeze the thighs, tuck the tailbone, and feel the legs strong and solid, rooted into the floor.

Reach down with your right hand and clasp right ankle.Research says that leadership skills can be developed by working with the body.e. Shift your weight slightly onto the left foot and bend the right knee. Firmly press the right foot sole against the inner thigh and resist with the outer left leg.Tree PoseTree PoseStand tall (mountain pose). Bend the knee of the extended knee and draw your heel toward the bum.Supported ShoulderstandSupported ShoulderstandStart with lying on your back with your arms by your sides, then bend your knees and place the soles of your feet on the floor. Get back to standing position with an exhalation and repeat for the same length of time with the legs reversed. Relax your face, throat, and jaw. Both in high performance scenario and leading a team, a calmer, sharper mind is of immense value. Zip up your belly and squeeze your naval into your spine.

Extend arms upwards at an angle. Relax the shoulders down and back.O. Based on the research findings of Amy Cudy and the ancient science of yoga, Alpha Horizontal bar on the door Body is a simple body-breath practice to develop leadership skills. You will look like the inverted letter V. Bend your elbows and place your hands on your low back, then draw your elbows and shoulder blades toward one another. Then keep your legs around four feet apart. Take the right foot up and place the sole against the inner left thigh; if possible, press the right heel into the inner left groin, toes pointing toward the floor. ).(The author is the C. Firm your shoulder blades against your back and move your sternum toward your chin. She also blends healing perfumery using principles of neuroscience and biochemistry and is a motivational speaker. It should be noted that the angle of hips and arms should be same, i. The postures help reduce cortisol and increase testosterone levels in the blood, indicating that the practitioner is calmer and ready to take action.e. From Three-Legged Dog, lengthen through the spine and open your hip to the sky. Practise these postures along with prescribed breath work and attitude to develop confidence and clarity in your words and actions in a matter of minutes. She holds MSc.

Three-Legged Downward-Facing Dog Pose, Hip-Opening VariationThree-Legged Downward-Facing Dog Pose, Hip-Opening VariationCome into a push-up or plank position and lift your hip up, stretch the legs trying to bring the heels to the floor. Inhale and press the crown of the head up towards the ceiling. This is the down dog pose, from here raise a leg up towards the sky to perform the three-legged dog. Gaze softly towards your chest. To release, bend one knee and step back into standing position. of Me Met Me. Whether you need to boost your confidence, build an energy reserve or possess a Zen-like clarity of mind to surge ahead, it can be achieved starting from the body. stand tall. Keep your elbows approximately shoulder distance apart, actively countering the tendency for them to splay out to the sides, and ensure that more weight is placed on your shoulders and upper arms than your head and neck. Lengthen your tailbone toward the floor. Turn your left foot 90 degrees to the left and bend your left knee. Inhale deeply into the belly and chest, exhale press into the feet, fingers and crown, feeling your body expanding out in five directions. in Yoga and focuses on therapy and behavioural interventions.E

Posted by: Efrigkettleber at 01:44 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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September 29, 2020

The circular now confirms that it will

"As regards MAT, the CBDT said "the tax credit of MAT paid by the domestic company exercising option under section 115BAA of the Act shall not be available consequent to exercising of such option (relating to lower tax rate).Responding to clarification sought by companies if they would be allowed to reduce their tax liability by adjusting losses on account of additional depreciation and take advantage of MAT credit, the CBDT said, "Â… a domestic company which would exercise option for availing benefit of lower tax rate under section 115BAA shall not be allowed to claim set off of any brought forward loss on account of additional depreciation for an Assessment Year for which the option has been exercised and for any subsequent Assessment Year.In the biggest reduction in 28 years, the government last month slashed corporate tax by almost 10 percentage points as it looked to pull the economy out of a six-year low growth and a 45-year high unemployment rate by reviving private investments with a Rs 1.

"The circular now confirms that it will.The new changes overall are heavily weighted in favour of new companies and new investors, he said, adding the one-time transition costs, requirement for fresh investments and other hurdles posed for existing taxpayers are significant enough to dent the benefits intended in the original announcement.The section does not provide any timeline for companies to opt for the new regime of lower tax rate.According to Deloitte India partner Rohinton Sidhwa, the circular clarifies whether at the time of the switch a one-time write off of MAT credit would be triggered or not.05 per cent in 1997..There is no timeline within which the option under newly inserted 115BAA in the Income Tax Act can be exercised, it added.The President last month promulgated an Ordinance reducing the rate of corporate tax to 22 per cent from 30 per cent with some riders. It was also stipulated that the option, once exercised, cannot be withdrawn in subsequent years. It gave the companies right to exercise the option before furnishing the income tax return.The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), in a clarification, said companies will be allowed to utilise such credits only against regular taxes under the old Pull rope Manufacturers regime and may opt for lower corporate tax regime in the subsequent assessment years.

This was perhaps done to minimize the costs to the exchequer for the transition," he said. This could be a huge cost to some companies who will now perhaps consider continuing under the old regime for the time being."The CBDT clarified that as there is no timeline within which option under section 115BAA can be exercised, a domestic company having credit of MAT may opt for the new tax regime after utilising the credit while discharging the regular tax liability under the structure which prevailed prior to promulgation of the tax Ordinance.New Delhi: The finance ministry on Wednesday said companies opting for the lower corporate tax rate of 22 per cent will not be allowed to reduce their tax liability by claiming deductions towards additional depreciation and Minimum Alternative Tax (MAT) credits.Under Section 115BAA, it was stated that companies opting for lower tax rate of 22 per cent will not be allowed to claim any deduction or exemption.45-lakh crore tax breakBase corporate tax for existing companies has been reduced to 22 per cent from the current 30 per cent; and for new manufacturing firms, incorporated after October 1, 2019 and starting operations before March 31, 2023, to 15 per cent from the current 25 per centIndia had the highest effective corporate tax rate of 38

Posted by: Efrigkettleber at 02:26 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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September 23, 2020

Yoga and medicine go hand in hand

For the youth, I think, the ashtanga yoga is one of the best forms of yoga. Earlier, people considered yoga to be a boring practice, which had to be done. It is best to do these asanas on an empty stomach, so they are best practised in the morning. It’s a slower but strong practice, which helps to focus and centre yourself. A long line-up of activities are being organised by a number of institutions throughout the city to commemorate the occasion.

Yoga and medicine go hand in hand, not as alternative choices.Shaina NC, yoga by the bayWhy has yoga suddenly gained so much popularity Thanks to western influences, yoga has become ‘cool’. When you practise yoga, you not only have to keep in mind a certain diet or a couple of asanas, but also follow a set of moral conducts which include humanitarianism, being aware of your surroundings, dedication to work and dedication to family. So when you are in the final position, you really feel like you have sweated it out.Myth: Yoga is about either pranayam or stretching the body and is not as effective as the gym.

Yoga does not have any weight loss value. Today, it is looked at more like a trend. By practising yoga simultaneously, the ailment reduces over time and doctors themselves reduce medical dosage.Reality: If you do some hatha yoga asanas or other practices, your workout is just as intense as any cardio routines at the gym..Shammi Gupta: Shammi’s yogalayaWhat are some asanas that people can practice on a daily basis What is the best time to practise them There are lakhs of asanas which people might just get confused over, if they try them out without guidance. One simple exercise, which people can do, is suryanamaskar on a regular basis.Reality: Medicines are necessary during the first stages of any chronic problem.Pia Bhagat: Tattwa yoga by piaWhat are some of the forms of yoga that the youth of today can practise The best thing about yoga is its adaptability.

Today, on the day of the summer solstice, Mumbai along with the rest of the world is celebrating International Yoga Day for the second year running. Yoga is not just reciting Ohm a few times or practising complicated asanas. Our Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has had a hand in this with his initiatives towards introducing World Yoga Day. Yoga can help you get in shape just like other forms.Reality: If your body is stiff or tight, it does not mean that you cannot do yoga, you will simply have to practise a different set of asanas. You have different exercises, which suit different age groups. While experts believe that yoga has gained popularity in the past few years, they also recognise the many myths related to yoga, which need clarification.

Yoga is only for flexible people.Myth: Yoga is an alternative cure for diseases and acts as a substitute to medicine. While the physical forms of yoga will definitely help you with a number of chronic problems, it is only when you follow the rest of the directives that you attain spiritual peace. In fact, one of the reasons why yoga is so popular these days is that people are finding other forms to be too strenuous on the body while yoga not only keeps you fit but also does not involve overdoing it.Reality: While yoga is a holistic exercise, it is Ice cleats Factory definitely possible to use certain forms of yoga to lose weight. Aside from that there are some classical postures like tarasan and setuvandhasan. It is ethical living. In fact, yoga is more beneficial to people who are stiff and helps to increase flexibility. Another reason is that, with stress levels going up so high, yoga is one of the best ways to combat it.Hansaji Jayadeva Yogendra: The yoga instituteWhat really is yoga Yoga is a way of life. It is a combination of 12 postures including forward bending, backward bending, inhalations and exhalations, so the exercise works on the entire body. The other form is the vinyasa flow yoga, which is really fast and you don’t stop, from beginning to the end

Posted by: Efrigkettleber at 01:47 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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September 16, 2020

IT jobs and make their life prosperous

Our young boys and girls are interested to go to the West to find IT jobs and make their life prosperous. I do not see them talking about filth and garbage around the temples, which was also mentioned earlier. Meeting such people and listening to their visits to temples of Rishikesh, Varanasi and Khajuraho, monatries near Dharmashala, Ayurveda resorts of South India —is really delightful. It is vibrating with certain energy fields which no China Occlusion Training Bands manufacturers other country can claim. You can hear them with deep sigh exclaiming: "Oh I would love to go to Rishikesh as soon as I can manage it,” "Oh I am dying to visit Lumbini again.

The whole history of India has not produced a single philosopher - and they have been searching for truth!The writer, editor of Osho World, is the author of Mindfulness: The Master Key. It does feel good to see it and experience it. It is not just yoga and meditation, there are other spiritual aspects which are also very popular, such as kirtans and bhajans professionally sung and composed by the local Western vocalists and musicians such as Krishna Das, Joshua and many more artists. And the West does not mind buying it. The mantra chants sung by British Miten and German Deva Premal are equally enchanting the Western seekers.There is a certain India in India and there is another type of India existing in the West. It is not only a nation, a country, a mere piece of land.It is strange because it has renounced everything for a single search, the search for the truth. They are not complaining any more about the poor infrastructure of our tourist places.

There are Western people who seem to be more enthusiastically involved in yoga and meditation than in Indians in India. They even think of learning yoga in India quickly and have a Yoga Alliance ( Based in USA) certificate to be able to teach Yoga to the health conscious people of the Western world, which has now yoga centers in every part of the Western cities.For almost ten thousand years, thousands of people have reached to the ultimate explosion of consciousness. He says: India is not just geography or history.Beyond the selling and buying , it would be nice to look at India with a fresh perspective given by Osho. It is something more: it is a metaphor, poetry,something invisible but very tangible.

Deep within their heart they feel that India has so much to offer, which our young generation does not seem to be interested. They describe aarti in Rishikesh as very enchanting and hypnotic. It is a purely commercial interest. It has not produced great philosophers - you will besurprised to know it - no Plato, no Aristotle, no Thomas Aquinas, no Kant, no Hegel, no Bradley, no Bertrand Russell.Travelling to USA and other Western countries, one comes across a unique type of India which is spiritual in its own way. The Tibetan chanting of Om Mani Padme Hum and other songs are also enjoyed everywhere. The Western young generation is ever happy to come to India and nourish their soul. Their vibration is still alive, their impact is in the very air; you just need a certain perceptivity, a certain capacity to receive the invisible that surrounds this strange land.”To the sincere seekers and meditators coming from the West, India does leave an indelible impression on their psyche

Posted by: Efrigkettleber at 01:45 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 09, 2020

The medicated patients were randomised

Researchers found significant improvement in symptoms of depression and anxiety in medicated patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) who participated in the breathing technique known as Sudarshan Kriya yoga.With a mean baseline HDRS score of 22.Patients in the Sudarshan Kriya yoga group showed a significantly greater improvement in Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) scores compared to patients in the waitlist group.

The medicated patients were randomised to either the breathing intervention group or the "waitlist" control group for eight weeks.During the first week, participants completed a six-session programme, which featured Sudarshan Kriya yoga in addition to yoga postures, sitting meditation and stress education.The meditation technique, which is practiced in both a group setting and at home, includes a series of sequential, China Resistance band factory rhythm-specific breathing exercises that bring people into a deep, restful and meditative state: slow and calm breaths alternated with fast and stimulating breaths.

0 (indicating severe depression at the beginning of the study), the group that completed the breathing technique for the full two months improved scores by 10.48 point improvement) and Beck Anxiety Inventories (5.Washington: A breathing-based yogic meditation practice may help alleviate severe depression in people who do not fully respond to antidepressant treatments, according to a new study led by an Indian-origin scientist.Patients in the yoga group also showed significant mean reductions in total scores of the self-reported Beck Depression (15..For weeks two through eight, participants attended weekly Sudarshan Kriya yoga follow-up sessions and completed a home practice version of the technique.

The study was published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.27 points on average, compared to the waitlist group, which showed no improvements."Sudarshan Kriya yoga gives people an active method to experience a deep meditative state thats easy to learn and incorporate in diverse settings," said Anup Sharma, research fellow at University of Pennsylvania, who led the study.19 point improvement), versus the waitlist control group.Results suggest the feasibility and promise of Sudarshan Kriya as an add-on intervention for MDD patients who have not responded to antidepressants, researchers said.Past studies suggest that yoga and other controlled breathing techniques can potentially adjust the nervous system to reduce stress hormones.HDRS is the most widely used clinician-administered depression assessment that scores mood, interest in activities, energy, suicidal thoughts and feelings of guilt, among other symptoms.In the study, researchers enrolled 25 patients suffering from MDD who were depressed, despite more than eight weeks of antidepressant medication treatment

Posted by: Efrigkettleber at 01:11 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 406 words, total size 3 kb.

August 31, 2020

There is no connect with the practic

Even though yoga has its roots in India, the practice isn’t as connected to its natives as it is abroad. "Today, people internationally know more about yoga than we ourselves do! There is no connect with the practice,” rues Hrishi adding that people almost always approach yoga as a fitness routine. And that is what we aim to change,” he says. We teach yoga to police commandos, hold workshops and classes for children studying in BMC schools, and more,” he says.

"It is so much more than just a physical routine — it is a way of life. There will also be international seminars where experienced speakers from different international institutions will be discussing yoga and its culture,” he lists. Sharing more about the itinerary through the two days, the 28-year-old says, "We have organised awareness programmes, there will also be a yogic exhibition.. Established in 1918, the aim was spread the message that yoga is more than a practice followed by sadhus and sanyasis.

"After the inauguration, we have doctors there who will be conducting free OPD counselling, where people can get expert information on how yoga can benefit their ailments,” he says.Conducted in St Xavier’s College, Hrishi reveals that there is a reason behind hosting the celebration on the college premises. From conducting workshops and drives across the city, China Wholesale Kettlebell with Rubber Hrishi says that The Yoga Institute also organises special classes.On account of turning a century old, the institute is hosting a celebration welcoming people across all sectors. "My grandfather Mani Haribhai Desai, believed that the essence of yoga needed to be passed on to society,” says Hrishi Yogendra, assistant director of the institute. "My grandfather gained an interest in yoga when he was studying in St Xavier’s. Adding that the subject for the discussion delves deeper into the culture of yoga, Hrishi says he is looking forward to learn more about the practice himself.

So we thought there is no better way than to celebrate there,” reveals Hrishi. "In fact, he met his guru, Paramhamsa Madhavadas, in the college only,” he says.Over the two-days, the first day will see the inauguration of their new year-long programmes aimed at spreading awareness and knowledge about yoga.Mumbai is home to the world’s oldest organised centre for yoga. "We are having two-day long celebration that will be spread across several elements,” begins Hrishi. For the last hundred years, The Yoga Institute has welcomed not just yogis but also beginners who hope to hone the practice one day.The institute is known for its contribution to society in the field of yoga. "We host a number of social events as well

Posted by: Efrigkettleber at 03:33 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 448 words, total size 3 kb.

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