November 13, 2020

In the final analysis, all of us are seeking

The jiva has to be one with Brahman.Is limitation my essential nature? Please note that one’s essential nature is never a burden.Yoga is to join the jiva with Brahman. If you don’t have any desire for comforts or pleasure, why would you work? Even for simple sustenance of life, you have to work. There have to be two entities to "join”. Both actions and their results have limitations.

In the final analysis, all of us are seeking total freedom from all limitations. We use words like "merging”, but actually it is a discovery — I have been "that” all along! This is the meaning of "yoga” at the highest level. And "join” also implies that the two are separate and not connected yet.Yoga is a merger of the jiva with Brahman. You can call that liberation or moksha. In Vedanta, this state — let us call it a state — is known as Brahman. The mind, its abilities and intellect are also limited. Jiva is struggling to "become”. How do we do that? Are they like two hands or two objects? No.

The physical body is limited in time and space.Yoga is from the root yuj, which means "to join” or "to connect”.Vedanta talks about the joining of the individual being with the supreme. You are "that” already — tat tvam-asi. What we seek is a release from all sense of limitations. We MINI BAR refrigerators are also limited by various factors. The two distinctive qualities of any jiva are "doership” and "enjoyership”. Jiva cannot "join” Brahman in such a way that the two entities remain distinct. Each one of us is a limited finite being. A limited entity cannot become infinite through a process.

This discovery and abidance in "that” is called "yoga”. Since we can never be happy with so many limitations, we engage in activities to break them. It is the very goal of our human existence. Brahman, being infinite, does not have a limited form or specific qualities. Vedanta says that you cannot "become” Brahman, but you are already that! The very fact that you are struggling to become means it has to be your own nature. The individual feels that he is the performer of actions..The individual is called a jiva in Vedanta. So the jiva is a doer and enjoyer. So yoga is the discovery of our own true self as that infinite, everlasting bliss. Sorrow and agitation cannot be my nature, because I want to get rid of them and want to be free and infinite. Since all actions are done in order to get a result and enjoy it, the individual is also the experiencer and enjoyer of the results

Posted by: Efrigkettleber at 03:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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